Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Smuggler’s Cove by Fern Michaels


Smuggler’s Cove is my first Fern Michaels and I was amazed to see the number of titles including several series written by her, listed at the front of the book. Smuggler’s Cove is a short book and looks like it is the first in a new series.

Jackson Taylor had a difficult childhood and grew up to be a young man determined to have it all, wealth, prestige, the lot, at any cost. By the time his children, Madison and Lincoln, were teenagers Jackson’s fortunes were reversed in spectacular style and the children’s privileged New York lifestyle was gone. Several years later the now adult children learned that their Uncle Kirby had died and left them his marina at Smuggler’s Cove on the Jersey Shore.

So begins the story of how Madison and Jackson and Jackson’s wife, Olivia, became involved in the world of Smuggler’s Cove. It is good old fashioned story telling and Madison is the principal character. Back in the dark ages when I was young one of my favourite authors of light fiction was Judith Krantz and although her books centred completely on the fashion world, her style was similar to Fern Michaels’. 

Smuggler’s Cove is a feel-good story, without being a fluff piece or sloppily romantic (although a romance is hinted at). Perfect for a cozy sit-down with animal of your choice on your lap and beverage of your choice close by. Thank you NetGalley for my reader’s copy.

Published by Kensington Publishing Corp.